DATE: April 20, 2021
CMG Global Holdings, LLC dba Course Made Good Wealth Management dba CMG Wealth Management (“CMG,” “we,” “us,” “our”) is a registered investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Brokerage and investment advisory services and fees differ which is why it is important for you to understand the differences.
Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at, which also provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investing
We offer investment advisory services to retail investors.
Asset Management Services: When providing these services on a discretionary basis, we will manage your assets while we continuously monitor your custodial accounts and provide you with continuous and ongoing supervision of your custodial accounts. When discretionary authority is granted via execution of our investment advisory agreement, we will have the limited authority to determine the type and number of securities to be purchased or sold for your portfolio without obtaining your consent for each transaction. For non-discretionary asset monitoring services, you make the ultimate decision regarding the purchase or sale of investments.
You may place reasonable restrictions on the types of investments that may be purchased or sold in your account so long as the restrictions are explicitly set forth. We offer advice with respect to various products and types of investments. We do not have a minimum account size for our asset management services.
For additional information, please see Items 4 and 7of Part 2A.
For asset management services, you will pay an annual fee based on the total assets under management. The fee is payable quarterly in advance.
We charge an asset-based fee which means that the more assets there are in the clients’ advisory account, the more the client will pay in fees. As such, we may therefore have an incentive to encourage our clients to increase the assets in his or her accounts. You may pay additional fees including custodian fees, fees related to mutual funds, and other transactional fees.
You will pay fees and costs whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money you make on your investments over time. Please make sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying. For additional information regarding our fees and costs, please see Item 5 of Form ADV.
Help me understand how these fees and costs might affect my investments. If I give you $10,000 to invest, how much will go to fees and costs, and how much will be invested for me?
When we act as your investment adviser, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the investment advice we provide you. Here are some examples to help you understand what this means.
Our asset management fee structure gives us the incentive to encourage clients to increase their assets in his or her accounts. Our firm’s financial professionals include licensed insurance agents and registered representatives of Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments, a member of FINRA/SIPC, an unaffiliated registered broker-dealer. In these capacities, our financial professionals may sell insurance products and securities for a commission or provide investment advise for additional compensation. They have an incentive to recommend these products to you in order to increase their compensation.
How might your conflicts of interest affect me, and how will you address them?
For additional information, please see Items 5 and 10 of Part 2A.
Our financial professionals are compensated based on the amount of client assets serviced or revenue we earn from the financial professional’s advisory services.
No. Visit for a free and simple search tool to research you and your financial professionals.
As a financial professional, do you have any disciplinary history? For what type of conduct?
For additional information about our services and to request a copy of the current Form ADV Part 3 Form CRS, please call us at (469) 729-7084.
Our process allows for tactical shifts that can help you build wealth, as well as navigate significant market events like those we’re experiencing today. The CMG Portfolio Review is an efficient way for us to illustrate: