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Our Services

Growth. Protection. Legacy.

We are your dedicated financial team, helping you maintain your Course Made Good throughout your life’s journey – which means helping you grow assets, protect your wealth and leave a legacy for others.


Think beyond buy and hold.

Buy and hold is the conventional approach, but when there are external forces at work, you need to shift strategies if you want to stay on course.

Our approach isn’t to time day-to-day fluctuations, but rather to make significant tactical shifts to help you participate in market upswings while navigating the kind of major drawdowns that can upend your plans altogether. If there’s a storm coming, we provide a disciplined process to help you navigate it.

Enjoy the journey with confidence.

Protecting your wealth is always a priority, but in terms of your overall retirement strategy, it’s just as important to protect your income. We work to verify you have the cash flow to support your retirement the way you want to live it.

This means that our retirement planning process emphasizes income planning and income generation, verifying you have the right savings and investment vehicles in place and the tax strategies needed to maximize them.

Simplify and organize your financial life as you work toward your goals.

Through an in-house team and a network of partners, we deliver a comprehensive wealth planning platform that includes an array of services and strategies in addition to portfolio management and retirement planning.

While we’re working to keep your investment portfolio on course, we’re also coordinating these strategies to help you navigate all the other financial decisions that can arise on the way to your goals.

Owners and executives grow their wealth differently.

That’s why we offer specialized services addressing the financial complexities that business owners and corporate executives face.

By bringing together the relevant expertise, experience and resources, we design strategies that can help you navigate major transitions and build your assets efficiently over the long term.

You know where you want to go – it’s our job to verify you have enough fuel, you’ve taken the proper precautions, and you have the processes in place to change course should the need arise.

James Pacholek CFP®
Managing Partner and CEO

How would the CMG Strategy impact your portfolio?

Our process allows for tactical shifts that can help you build wealth, as well as navigate significant market events like those we’re experiencing today. The CMG Portfolio Review is an efficient way for us to illustrate:

  • How tactical shifts can impact your portfolio
  • How your investments are positioned in the current market cycle
  • How our investment strategy works in different market environments